Since covid, we have found that opening by appointment works well so, if you would like to come and browse the books, please contact us by one of the following methods to arrange a time:
- by email to [email protected]
- call us on 06 31 45 85 12 (please leave message if no reply)
- via the contact page on this site
We look forward to seeing you.
Parking @ Bayleaf Books
The map below shows the parking area in our back garden which has its own entrance from the street behind the house. There is also pedestrian access from the road in front of the house. However, if you have mobility problems, please let us know if you are planning a visit so that we can leave the driveway gates at the front of the house open - you can drive straight in and park right beside the entrance.

At our place in L'Absie the books are catgorised in sections for thrillers/murders/ mysteries, other fiction (ie, non-thrillers and murders), non-fiction, horror, fantasy, science fiction, classics, auto/biographies, childrens' books, livres en français. You name it and if we don't have it, we're always happy to keep an eye out for whatever authors/titles you're looking for - just drop us a line.